Your Top Device Management Questions Answered

Updated: Jul 29, 2020

At Cleartech Group, we receive a lot of questions about computing and mobile device management and maintenance. However, over the years, our experts have recognized frequently asked questions (FAQs) that clients struggle with regularly. Here are three of them answered for you that will help you improve your device management and maintenance.

Question 1: Should I turn my computer off at night?

Answer: The short answer is “Yes.”

If your computer doesn’t need to run an update or it isn’t a server (a server is a computer that runs programs for other computers or people), then you should shut down your device during the night. Here are some reasons:

  • Power Savings: Even in sleep or hibernate state, computer motherboards consume power. Turning off a computer during the night ensures that you are not wasting energy.
  • Security Risk: If your computer is online and unattended, it gives hackers and cybercriminals uninterrupted access to the system. If you are in front of the computer and you start seeing suspicious boxes pop up, you can shut down the device physically. But during the night, the hackers can work without worrying about getting interrupted by a human intervention.
  • Preserving Hardware: Your power-supply and other components on the computer will deteriorate faster if you always keep your power turned on.
  • Avoiding Sleep-mode: Sleep-mode has a higher risk of data loss. It’s better to properly shutdown your system when you’re not using it.

Question 2: Do I need an antivirus on my phone?

Answer: The short answer is “No”.

If you’re using an iPhone, then it doesn’t make sense to install an antivirus as iOS is already designed to provide maximum protection for your applications. In iOS, each application is segregated so it can only access its own resources. If it needs access to some other part of the operating system, then it will have to ask your permission (for example, permission to access your address book or photos). An anti-virus wouldn’t prevent such a problem in the first place. Also, the company heavily vets any app submitted for sale on their store. So you don’t need an anti-virus for Apple devices.

On Android devices, applications are able to access resources of the operating system and there is a probability of malicious apps. But every application that you download through Google Play goes through a vetting process. If Google discovers a problem, it removes the app and deletes it from your device. So if you stick to applications with good ratings, you’ll be quite safe. If you sideload an app (use USB, Bluetooth or WiFi to install the app), then there is a higher chance of malicious code. We recommend you always use the Google Play for your application needs. Given the low chance of malicious code on Android, it doesn’t make sense to install an anti-virus that can potentially slow down your device operations.

Question 3: Does my browser make a difference?

Answer: The short answer is “Yes.”

Browsers like Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox are all designed by individual development groups. So each browser has it’s strong and weak points. Additionally, every browser is evolving. So a browser might start off as the fastest browser but slow down as things change.

Here are some steps to make your browsing experience more pleasant:

  • Use Multiple Browsers: Even if you have your favorite browser, occasionally use a different one to make sure you are getting the optimum experience.
  • Update Regularly: Make sure your software is updated regularly. The updates will ensure you have the best experience on that particular browser.
  • Be Cautious About Plugins: Every browser has its own ecosystem of plugins. Be careful about the plugins you install. They can be a source of vulnerability.
  • Use Security Alerts: Set up Google Alerts about your browser, so you’re aware of any potential threats. If a particular software has a problem, you can always switch to another one temporarily.

Are you looking for information about more advanced issues? We can help! Our experts are up-to-date on a wide range of device management and maintenance problems. Contact us today at (978) 466-1938 or online at